Actions for Justice for this Birthday

Today is my 32nd birthday, and below, I invite you to help me honor it with a few actions for social justice. 

Usually as a “summer baby,” I like to celebrate my birthday in big and fun ways—whether through a party on the St. Louis riverfront, a 30-day giveaway of art, a FoodSpark at the Pulitzer, or a trip to South Africa like recent years. 

Initially for this "quarantine birthday," I thought that I would do the same virtually. I aspired to have a FoodSpark dinner via Zoom and have friends engage online me in one of my favorite pastimes—karaoke! 

But when I watched the video of George Floyd being murdered by Minneapolis police last Monday—exactly a week ago—I, like many across the nation and world, felt something shift in my spirit. 

I was taken back to 2014 when I joined fellow activists and artists for months of protests against the extraducial murder of Michael Brown, Jr. in Ferguson, MO. And, like then, I don’t want to proceed as if things are alright. I am not okay. I am righteously outraged. And, I am actively standing in solidarity with all who are upset and hungry for the absolute end of anti-black racism, systemic injustice, and police brutality in this country. 

So this year, instead of “celebrating” my birthday, I will dedicate it to the families who have lost their loved ones—whether through the novel COVID-19 pandemic or the long-standing legacy of racist violence. I dedicate it to the protestors, the organizers, the grassroots efforts, the artists, the policy makers, and the cultural institutions that are holding this collective moment to fight for justice, to risk sickness and death in pursuit of freedom and a better promise for our nation. 

For my birthday, I invite you to join me in this effort by amplifying the important work in your community that will get us through this—whether through donations to legal services, support of the families of victims, sharing resources on social media, having conversation, or creating visual expression. 

This is the biggest gift I could ask for, so thank you for considering it. 

With love, 


7 Actions You Can Take with Me for My Birthday 

  1. Donate to the memorial funds for George Floyd.

  2. Visit to support efforts to advocate for justice for Breonna Taylor. 

  3. Support the efforts in Minneapolis by donating to the North Star Health Collective and the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help offer medical supplies and bail to protestors. For organizations focused on broader reform in Minnesota, go with Reclaim the Block and Black Visions Collective

  4. Discover and support the grassroots efforts against police brutality in your own city. 

  5. Create, post, and amplify the demands from the Movement 4 Black Lives, and join in for its Week of Action this week. 

  6. If you can and choose to protest in the streets, please do. Remember to wear your mask and stay safe, as we are still in the midst of a public health pandemic. 

  7. Share these two images I created of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor to amplify their names. 

More this Week

Sticky Note to Self

Yesterday marked 99 years since Tulsa's Black Wall Street community was rioted, pillaged, and murdered by white mobs May 31-June 1, 1921. I am reminded that the fight against racist violence in this country is long and grave, so I wrote a note last week in reflection of the justified rage that is felt across the nation right now. 


This week, my spirit aligns with Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)." Give it a listen on Spotify or YouTube, and check out more inspiring jams from my Deliberate & Unafraid playlist.