Why I Am One of 100+ Black Womxn for Warren

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We all know that big things are possible when Black women come together and flex our political power. That’s why I’m so proud to join 100 Black trans and cis women, and GNC folks to endorse Elizabeth Warren for President in 2020. Read the endorsement statement. Spearheaded by progressive political organization, Black Women For, this endorsement reflects the values, views, and opinions of hundreds of black womxn from 14 major U.S. cities, and it takes into account Warren’s past and future policy stances as well as an agreed set of values she commits to uphold. This decision is one that I do not take lightly, and in consideration of the racial and gender politics that this choice raises amongst fellow Black folks, it is one that I recognize might be considered culturally risky to make. However, I believe the stakes in this election are not simply about beating Trump, but about ensuring that victory comes with restoration of the integrity of the nation’s highest office, a focus on racial and gender equity, and a reversal of the unjust, inhumane, and regressive policies that have stained this nation. When I think about the candidate who I trust to be responsible and accountable to this promise in collaboration with my communities, Senator Warren exhibits the moral leadership, track record, and actionable commitment. Therefore, I stand in solidarity in support and endorsement of Elizabeth Warren for President.

Read the full endorsement.

Learn more about Black Womxn For.

Follow the #BWFWarren hashtag, and check out Black Womxn For on Instagram and Twitter.

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