Video: Building the Beloved Community Through Trauma-Informed Design | MLK Day Panel Conversation with Taubman College (UMich)

via Taubman College:

The Taubman College MLK Planning Committee presents the 2021 MLK Symposium: Building the Beloved Community Through Trauma-Informed Design.

According to Dr. King, “the Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth.” This symposium, led by Taubman College students, will explore community over chaos, the intersections of the twin pillars of economic and social justice, and the resources and education necessary to create the Beloved Community. We aim to interrogate the questions: What are the attitudes and systems that are keeping architects and urban planning from fostering the Beloved Community? What role does trauma-informed design play in educating the future leaders of the Beloved Community? What does trauma-informed design look like in urban planning and architecture education?

This will be a panel discussion moderated by Taubman College’s Harley Etienne. The panel will be made up of four urban planners, architects, designers, and activists working to achieve economic and racial justice: Craig Wilkins, Lesley Lokko, De Nichols, and Ujijji Davis.

Post Symposium Resources